Thursday, September 13, 2012

Red, red, red!

I understand it's been too long since I last posted, since school has started up again I've been totally overwhelmed and already feeling sleep-deprived. Trust me, if I had the time I'd be reviewing fashion week like crazy! Maybe I'll pick a few of my favorite designers to post about this weekend. I'm considering a new haircut, maybe that Nana-esque bob I mentioned earlier, minus the bangs.

I'm not sure if I want bangs or not, so I may end up with some sort of 90's bob-cut a-la Selma Blair in Cruel Intentions.

Imagine it just a bit shorter, chin length bob-style. Something like Thora Burch as Enid Coleslaw in Ghost World. 

It's so simple yet screams attitude. I think I'll absolutely miss my long hair if I cut it off, just for the absence of braiding, which I'm so fond of now. Maybe I'll just ride it out until it feels right. Yeah.

Anyways, I have some images for ya'll of an outfit I put together for today's school day. Apologies for the crappy photobooth quality, I just haven't figured out my camera situation yet. 

And yes, that is my bedroom. No, I'm not chemistry obsessed. It's just helpful to have the periodic table "on hand" while I'm doing homework. I swear.

This outfit totally reminds me of traditional Spanish Flamenco Dancers and the dresses they wear. I should get myself a pair of palmas and show off some seriously fierce moves. There is also a beautiful sea slug that is named after the Flamenco-style layered red dress.

Shirt from American Apparel, earrings & necklace by Betsy Johnson, dress and ring from Urban Outfitters, hair clips from Forever 21, tights are a gift from my Mom. 

Vintage boots, for going out.

To style this drop shoulder sweater from American Apparel, I twisted up one of the sides and tied it with a rubber band. After that I tried to inconspicuously tuck the tie underneath the bottom of the sweater. It gives it more character and helps ease the outfit proportions. It doesn't hurt that this technique also adds a bit of interesting texture and slight imbalance.

I was trying to experiment with layers and integrate different patterns while following a similar color scheme. The color red is such a bold statement, I'm so used to playing down color. Something I want to do is to not shy away from color when it comes to wardrobe planning. What I've found is that wearing brights literally lifts my mood. Although I think red can be hard to pull off, the chiffon floral underneath really pulls it together with its bits of red here and there. Also, I'm wearing wool slippers I got back in high school in the first bunch of photos, so comfy.

Until next time!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Heart & Sssssoul

Yeah, I realize it's been a week since I've last posted, but here I am once again to chronicle my style musings. Since school starts in only five days, I'm trying to soak in the bitter end of my summer as gracefully as I can. I've been spending my time getting ready for class, reading more than usual, planning my wardrobe and nailing down my style icons for the semester. It's fall, the best time of the year for fashion (in my humble opinion), so hopefully that will inspire me to put together some really thoughtful pieces to tromp around the campus.

Yesterday, my favorite musician came out with the next video in the Visions series, Genesis! Grimes (aka Claire Boucher) is my favorite musical act out there right now, she makes electronic pop music, but her genre is hard to pin. Her persona is enigmatic and her music is from another world. I'd say that right now, most of my wardrobe is similar to Grimes (leotard + skirt combo is a staple), though played down a lot, and doesn't include the excess amount of beautiful, tall shoes that she rocks so well.

Here's the video, "Genesis"!

Most of these shots are from the new video, that is unearthly and captivating. Also, I love albino snakes of any kind (albino corn snakes, anyone?), so I was super psyched to see this beautiful boa making an appearance in the video.

Yes, that hat does say "PUSSY," and yes, she is about to pull out a sword.

Deandri "Olga" shoes, some of the most beautiful shoes around, and (by rumor) some of the most comfortable.

The video features a few characters, many played by Grimes herself, and pays tribute to the aesthetics of Anime, both visually and concept-wise. This video reminds me of the intricate RPG's I used to play back in high school, where you played a team of characters usually lead by a protagonist. My inner nerd is so satisfied by this video and I can't wait to see what Grimes pulls out of her magic hat next.

 I definitely want to incorporate more of those thick headbands she sports into my fall ensemble. Not only are they cute and chic, but they also appear very comfortable, unlike the headbands that dig into the sides of your skull, yuck.

Brian Lichtenberg glitter dress, *drool*

I love the swords in this video! There are so many swords -- I'm not used to seeing pop icons sporting such noble weaponry. Generally, I'm not used to seeing women portrayed weilding weapons within the whole realm of pop culture. Kudos to Grimes for pulling this off in such an awesome way. 

I also love how shiny this warrior's armor is as she walks through the sunny streets of L.A. 

 And that's that. I want to take some of the fun elements and textures present in this video and weave them into my own attire. I love the glints of light that reflect from the armor and the swords that stand out even more against the deep blacks and the array of saturated color that come from everything else in the video -- the hair, the snake, and the sandy, wet textures of the beach.

Grimes can pull of anything. Here she is in Lu La Loop.

Grimes carries herself with a carefree, dedicated attitude which is shown in her style and most of all, in her beautiful music. She is truly an innovative artist and exceedingly talented, and is beyond inspiring in all she does. If keeping up with her is not just to find out when her next music video will come out, it's to find out what color she's dyed her hair, for her locks are always changing in one way or another.

Until next time!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Elusive footwear

So, in honor of the new school year, I've invested in a cute pair of trendy, yet sophisticated menswear-esque loafers! They came in the mail today and was thrilled with their herringbone pattern and subdued gray color. I tried them on and wasn't surprised to find that the size is just a little too big. I have a slim foot, so it's difficult to find flats or loafers that don't fly off when I walk around in them. I'll be so sad if the next half-size down doesn't fit correctly, because I love these loafers and can definitely see myself walking around campus with them, if only if they fit! Cross your fingers for me.

This fall semester I'm thinking about joining the Sailor Senshi as an extracurricular, fighting evil by moonlight, winning love by daylight (and studying). I've acquired my first "school-girl" skirt, kind of late, being 24 and all. It's better late than never, right? Anyhow, I plan on sporting my new skirt a lot this season, it's flannel and super comfortable, perfect for the long school days and autumn weather. It transitions perfect for my winter wardrobe as well.

I want to take some inspiration from my favorite Sailor Senshi,

~@~**Sailor Jupiter**~@~!
Excuse the cheesy heading, I couldn't help myself.

This is Makoto/Lita's school uniform, which is different from the other Senshi because of her unusual height. The skirt I have is a plaid, shorter schoolgirl skirt from American Apparel. Though the brown short skirt is essential to all of the Sailor Senshi's school uniforms, what I am most interested in incorporating from her character are her trademark colors, pink and green, along with incorporating her favorite flower, the rose. Sailor Jupiter is not only a magical girl, but a very talented one at that! She cooks, gardens, does martial arts, plays sports and is incredibly strong. Maybe I'll try and take some queues from her and keep up with working out on a regular basis, ha! 

Two words: forest green.

Here she is in her Sailor Senshi uniform. I'd love to don the high ponytail and find some green accessories to keep up with the look. A green choker wouldn't hurt either. It's really convenient that the Senshi uniform is slightly schoolgirlish, with the collar and bow. I don't think I'll push it that far, but finding accessories that pay homage to the uniform would be awesome. I'll keep my eyes out for them as I shop and peruse the thrift store this weekend.

Until next time!

Stirring the pot

Unfortunately I'm still sick, so I guess my theory on Anna Karina is bunk. Still, I was so excited about her that I watched Vivre Sa Vie immediately after I made the last post. Switching things up a bit, tonight's post is all about music. This mix is an introduction to what my tastes are like and what I've been listening to recently. Hopefully next post will be a bit more style-oriented!

Until next time!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Vivre sa vie

I'm home from work with the bug that's going around, what a bummer. I bought a candle last week and finally got to lighting it at my bedside with a book and a cup of tea. Though just a small accent, I'm totally entranced by its little glow. It has made reading before bed even more enjoyable (though it's not a healthy bedtime routine to have, so I try to read outside of bed & during the day as well, so as to not make it an activity exclusive to sleep).

Okay, so today's post will be centered around the lovely style icon and french actress...

Anna Karina
Anna Karina, born in 1940. Starring in films by the legendary 1960's New Wave director, Jean-Luc Godard, here she plays the role of Nana in Vivre Sa Vie.

Anna Karina has been a personal hair-icon for awhile now. It started way back during my undergrad, as two friends gasped when I didn't know who she was, and immediately pulled up this scene from Vivre Sa Vie:

Just watching this again makes me want to cut my bangs. She is just so radiant and sophisticated -- who can keep their eyes off her? I wish to find my inner Anna Karina and channel that effortless irresistibility and confidence so essential to her style. If only it was that easy! In the past, I cut my hair as it is shown in Pierrot Le Fou (images below), shoulder length with bangs above the eyebrows. My hairdresser would always raise her own brows and say, "Are you sure you want to go that short?" and I would start to question myself. Thankfully it always worked out. Eventually, when I'm bold enough, I'd really love to give Nana's short bob-cut a try.

Ahh, I really want to style an outfit around this shot. 

And so here's to the beautiful Anna Karina. Isn't she charming? I found Godard's films on Hulu and iTunes, and at a video store in Chicago called Odd Obsession. I've spent many hours browsing the shelves of DVD's, oogling over the posters, and getting friendly with the owners cat and parakeets. They have a large selection of foreign and indie films that are difficult to find otherwise. I'm pretty sure they have the entire collection of Godard films.

Something to consider: after looking at all these spirited pictures of my favorite style icon, I think I'm starting to feel a bit better. Maybe Anna Karina has mystic healing powers that reach even those who view her belle visage through the protective screen of film. Is it true? Until next time!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Hello internet

Hello! I've decided to start a style blog. Hopefully it will help motivate me to keep up with my own style, as well as learn about the process of developing an individual repertoire. So without further ado, I'd like to introduce myself.

Photobooth images circa 2010.  I'd rather post these than the 200 others I have of myself in pajamas making faces at Chloe, my cat. I'll post a more recent photo next update!
I am Kate, I'm very happy to be here and eager to learn as much as I can about fashion! I'm 24 years old and an art school graduate from Chicago fond of gardening, cats, and illustration. In the future I hope to post images of outfits, fashion finds, mood boards, and fashion illustration. I aim to gather information on designers I fancy and give my two cents here on this blog. I'd love and appreciate any kind of feedback.

 Until next time!