Thursday, August 16, 2012

Elusive footwear

So, in honor of the new school year, I've invested in a cute pair of trendy, yet sophisticated menswear-esque loafers! They came in the mail today and was thrilled with their herringbone pattern and subdued gray color. I tried them on and wasn't surprised to find that the size is just a little too big. I have a slim foot, so it's difficult to find flats or loafers that don't fly off when I walk around in them. I'll be so sad if the next half-size down doesn't fit correctly, because I love these loafers and can definitely see myself walking around campus with them, if only if they fit! Cross your fingers for me.

This fall semester I'm thinking about joining the Sailor Senshi as an extracurricular, fighting evil by moonlight, winning love by daylight (and studying). I've acquired my first "school-girl" skirt, kind of late, being 24 and all. It's better late than never, right? Anyhow, I plan on sporting my new skirt a lot this season, it's flannel and super comfortable, perfect for the long school days and autumn weather. It transitions perfect for my winter wardrobe as well.

I want to take some inspiration from my favorite Sailor Senshi,

~@~**Sailor Jupiter**~@~!
Excuse the cheesy heading, I couldn't help myself.

This is Makoto/Lita's school uniform, which is different from the other Senshi because of her unusual height. The skirt I have is a plaid, shorter schoolgirl skirt from American Apparel. Though the brown short skirt is essential to all of the Sailor Senshi's school uniforms, what I am most interested in incorporating from her character are her trademark colors, pink and green, along with incorporating her favorite flower, the rose. Sailor Jupiter is not only a magical girl, but a very talented one at that! She cooks, gardens, does martial arts, plays sports and is incredibly strong. Maybe I'll try and take some queues from her and keep up with working out on a regular basis, ha! 

Two words: forest green.

Here she is in her Sailor Senshi uniform. I'd love to don the high ponytail and find some green accessories to keep up with the look. A green choker wouldn't hurt either. It's really convenient that the Senshi uniform is slightly schoolgirlish, with the collar and bow. I don't think I'll push it that far, but finding accessories that pay homage to the uniform would be awesome. I'll keep my eyes out for them as I shop and peruse the thrift store this weekend.

Until next time!

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