Thursday, September 13, 2012

Red, red, red!

I understand it's been too long since I last posted, since school has started up again I've been totally overwhelmed and already feeling sleep-deprived. Trust me, if I had the time I'd be reviewing fashion week like crazy! Maybe I'll pick a few of my favorite designers to post about this weekend. I'm considering a new haircut, maybe that Nana-esque bob I mentioned earlier, minus the bangs.

I'm not sure if I want bangs or not, so I may end up with some sort of 90's bob-cut a-la Selma Blair in Cruel Intentions.

Imagine it just a bit shorter, chin length bob-style. Something like Thora Burch as Enid Coleslaw in Ghost World. 

It's so simple yet screams attitude. I think I'll absolutely miss my long hair if I cut it off, just for the absence of braiding, which I'm so fond of now. Maybe I'll just ride it out until it feels right. Yeah.

Anyways, I have some images for ya'll of an outfit I put together for today's school day. Apologies for the crappy photobooth quality, I just haven't figured out my camera situation yet. 

And yes, that is my bedroom. No, I'm not chemistry obsessed. It's just helpful to have the periodic table "on hand" while I'm doing homework. I swear.

This outfit totally reminds me of traditional Spanish Flamenco Dancers and the dresses they wear. I should get myself a pair of palmas and show off some seriously fierce moves. There is also a beautiful sea slug that is named after the Flamenco-style layered red dress.

Shirt from American Apparel, earrings & necklace by Betsy Johnson, dress and ring from Urban Outfitters, hair clips from Forever 21, tights are a gift from my Mom. 

Vintage boots, for going out.

To style this drop shoulder sweater from American Apparel, I twisted up one of the sides and tied it with a rubber band. After that I tried to inconspicuously tuck the tie underneath the bottom of the sweater. It gives it more character and helps ease the outfit proportions. It doesn't hurt that this technique also adds a bit of interesting texture and slight imbalance.

I was trying to experiment with layers and integrate different patterns while following a similar color scheme. The color red is such a bold statement, I'm so used to playing down color. Something I want to do is to not shy away from color when it comes to wardrobe planning. What I've found is that wearing brights literally lifts my mood. Although I think red can be hard to pull off, the chiffon floral underneath really pulls it together with its bits of red here and there. Also, I'm wearing wool slippers I got back in high school in the first bunch of photos, so comfy.

Until next time!

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